Lodestar C-56/C-60 Lodestar transports use in USAAF/ADAT/NEIAF service during 1942-45 P.3

by Steve Mackenzie

VHCAA later in the war in metallic finish

C-56B in QANTAS Empire Airways service continued

QANTAS C-56B Lodestar VHCAA was later photographed in this Nat Metal scheme (VHCAK was likely stripped to Nat Metal also but I did not find any images of such), I have assumed that the image of the nose below is also VHCAA rather than VHCAK.

QANTAS Lodestar nose New Guinea 1944

QANTAS C-56B VHCAA Nat Metal overall scheme. Spinners, anti-glare panel and ADAT callsign Black. U.S Army under the wings officially Insignia Blue but often marked in Black. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes with White side bars marked in the usual 4 positions. QANTAS title on the nose plain Black. Refs: photos above.

C-56B in ANA (Australian National Airways) service

VHCAH from ANA after it's writeoff on 01 Dec 1942. Photo SLNSW FL8644668.

ANA received Lodestars VHCAH and VHCAJ thru ADAT in November 1942 and started operating with them in New Guinea later that month. VHCAH was written off almost immediately when attacked by three 'Zeros' landing at Dobodura (south of Buna/ Gona) 01 Dec 1942. A heavy landing was made causing the under carraige to collapse. It was bulldozed off to the side to clear the strip and subsequently written off.

Although they don't show much, three further images of VHCAH from the SLNSW collection. SLNSW FL7552718, SLNSW FL7552719 & SLNSW FL8581055.

QANTAS C-56B VHCAH, Jongblad (Young Leaf), Oudblad (Old Leaf) colours with Aluminium lower surfaces. Light Grey ADAT callsign, spinners Black. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes marked in the usual 4 positions. Refs: photos above.

Their other initial airframe VHCAJ is illustrated on page 1. The 2nd photo may be from when it was with ANA, info available did not specify. VHCAJ did not last much longer than VHCAH as it was written off after the undercarraige collapsed when landing at Townsville on 26-2-1943, which caused a ground loop and write off. In June 1943 ANA was allocated C-56B VHCAF but this airframe was transferred to QANTAS in December 1943. ANA also received two C-60 airframes VHCEC and VHCEH in July 1943 (see later).

C-56 VHCAF at Essendon June 1943 on handover to ANA from USAAF.

C-56B VHCAF, Jongblad (Young Leaf), Oudblad (Old Leaf) colours with Aluminium lower surfaces. Light Grey ADAT call sign, spinners Black and no U.S Army markings under the wings this time. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes marked in the usual 4 positions. Ref: photo above from internet.

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