Lodestar C-56/C-60 Lodestar transports use in USAAF/ADAT/NEIAF service during 1942-45 P.5

by Steve Mackenzie

C-60 Lodestar SWPA. Cannot tell from the image which airframe but it must be late 1943 onwards as it has White 'side bars' to the USAAF Cocareds.

C-60 in USAAF service

In addition to the ex NEIAF airames that gained ADAT radio call signs in the VHCAx series, there was another batch of airframes operated in 1942 by the USAAF. These were ten C-60 airframes with serials #42-32166 to 168 and #42-32172 to 178 inclusive that arrived around Sept 1942. They were airframes from an RAF order with original serials FK246-248 and FK252-FK258 that had been redirected to USAAF service after Dec 1941. Being built for the RAF they were in U.S equivalent colours for RAF Dark Green/ Dark Earth upper surfaces and Sky Grey lower surfaces (RAF Temperate scheme). They were given radio call signs in the VHCEx series when they came under ADAT control.

C-60 Msn 2192 USAAF #42-32172 (VHCEC) being unloaded in New Guinea. Photo from internet.

C-60 USAAF #42-32174 (VHCEE) pictured probably with 22 TCS in New Guinea. Photo from internet.

C-60 USAAF #42-32174 (later VHCEE), faded U.S equivalent colours for RAF Dark Green/ Dark Earth upper surfaces and Sky Grey lower surfaces. Light Grey 232174 serial, spinners Black and U.S Army under the wings officially Insignia Blue but often marked in Black. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes marked in the usual 4 positions. Ref: photo above.

A group of U.S servicemen either loading or unloading their gear from C-60 VHCEE now marked with it's ADAT call sign.

C-60 USAAF VHCEE (prev #42-32174), faded U.S equivalent colours for RAF Dark Green/ Dark Earth upper surfaces and Sky Grey lower surfaces. Light Grey ADAT call sign VHCEE, spinners Black and U.S Army under the wings officially Insignia Blue but often marked in Black. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes with White side bars marked in the usual 4 positions. Ref: photo above.

Whereas the USAAF quickly passed all the surviving C-56B airframes along to the local Airlines to operate under ADAT control, they seem to have mainly kept the 9 survivors of the C-60s (VHCEA was written off in 1942) for their own use. In Jul 1943 airframes VHCED, VHCEE and VHCEJ were lent to the RAAF for use by 36 Sqn. In the same month VHCEH went to ANA to operate under ADAT. In Feb 1944 the trio with 36 Sqn were returned as 36 Sqn had a full complement of C-47s by then.

When the trio at 36 Sqn were returned, VHCED and VHCEJ went back to USAAF control, however VHCEE was issued to Guinea Airways under ADAT. The photo of VHCEE above was taken no earlier than late 1943 due to the style of USAAF markings carried. The above photo gives no real clue but I suspect it was with Guinea Airways at that time. Illustrated before in issue 19/4 but repeated here is C-60 VHCEF 'The Texas Wrangler' (many of the C-60s were named, see the details in issue 19/1. These details came from Ansett engineering records investigated by researchers back in the 1970s. Ansett did much of the overhaul work on these airframes during WW.II). In the photo below the paintwork is obviously very faded and is likely taken before it went to 36 Sqn. (see page 6 for more on 'Texas Ranger').

Lockheed C-60 Lodestar VHCEF 'The Texas Wrangler' probably still in USAAF service. Photo AHMWA P010876.

Closeup of the nose markings on Lockheed C-60 Lodestar VHCEF 'The Texas Wrangler'. Photo AHMWA P010876.

C-60 USAAF VHCEF (prev #42-32175), very faded and patchy U.S equivalent colours for RAF Dark Green/ Dark Earth upper surfaces and Sky Grey lower surfaces. Light Grey ADAT call sign VHCEF and name "The Texas Wrangler", spinners Black, no U.S Army under the wings. Insignia Blue/ White U.S Cocardes marked in the usual 4 positions. Ref: photos above.

One of the C-60s 'somewhere in the SWPA'. Appears to have 1944 onwards Blue outlined 'Stars and Bars'. Photo via internet.

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