New releases from Osprey

info via Ley Reynolds

Combat Aircraft 149 - Bf-109 Jabo Units in the West

Combat Aircraft 150 - Spitfire Photo Recce Units of WW2

Dogfight - F-8 Crusader

Dogfight - MiG-21 Fishbed

Weapons of The US Special Operations Command

The SVD Dragunov Rifle

British Aircraft Carriers 1945-2010

US Navy Protected Cruisers 1883-1918

British Frigates and Escort Destroyers 1939-1945

The Reconquest of Burma 1944-45

Corregidor 1945

Early Pacific Raids 1942

Air Campaign - Operation Black Buck 1982

Air Campaign - The Blitz 1940-41

Air Campaign - Malaya and Dutch East Indies 1941-42

Armies of the Baltic Independence Wars 1918-20

Australian Army 1976-2016

British Coastal Weapons vs German Coastal Weapons - The Dover Strait 1940-44

Allied Tanks at El Alemain 1942


Ley can be contacted via email at or contacted at club meetings for further info (Steve - Editor).